About PVTG
Date. From June 1, 2022, UNISEC Shakti three Micro Centers are in operation at Shahapur, Yavatmal, Vagadchiroli. is 12 months. Hon. Disclosure has been initiated by Administrative Officers being Administrator, Tribal Conservation and Training Institutions, Director (PVTG), Accounts Officer, Research Officer and Open Legislation Committee have been guided from time to time and the problem has been culpable from the report of Centralized State Coordinating Committee.
Functioning Structure of PVTG
At the central level, there is a Resource Center Coordinator who is the head, and to provide subordinate training, there will be two Master Trainers. To facilitate community projects, there will be two Community Mobilizers. In order to streamline agriculture and agricultural product marketing, there will be an Agricultural Marketing Consultant. To establish and support PVTG (Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups) businesses, there will be a strategy and operations consultant. To ensure compliance with forest rights and financial regulations, there will be a legal consultant. And to process the data generated from all these activities and provide conclusive outcomes, there will be an IT consultant. The central administration has appointed a UNISEC (United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Climate Action) as an administrative assistant for efficient functioning.
Scope of Work
To implement all the fifteen component programs in the project, a bench mark survey has been started in the project area and ten villages in each district have been selected for this. A detailed project report will be prepared based on the findings of the benchmark survey.
To conduct a detailed survey, with the participation of all the three centers, a customized question paper will be prepared and the required information on all the elements will be filled in it. Everyone in the team will carry out a detailed survey of two – two components so that the survey work is completed within the scheduled time. It is planned to undertake various research projects regarding primitive tribes. Based on this research, it will help to draft a development strategy for the tribals. A booklet on culture and conservation will be prepared by collecting information about the culture of primitive tribes. A booklet will be prepared on the knowledge of the traditional knowledge of the primitive tribe. Apart from this, there is a provision to conduct various programs like component based regular training, gatherings, demonstrations, professional guidance, evocation of experts in various fields. Also, efforts will be made to connect professionals with financial institutions and marketing organizations at large. The project also aims to prepare proposals for obtaining tribal certificates of tribal students and to submit proposals for tribal certificate verification. A report will be prepared on the benefits received by the tribals so far through various schemes and their effectiveness
Expected Results
Based on all the information received above, the development plan of Katkari, Kolam and Madia tribes will be discussed with TRTI and decided.

Bench Mark Survey, Shahapur

Center Coordinator Shahapur while explaining the component programs of the project to the villagers during the benchmark survey

Center Coordinator, Yavatmal and team explaining the component programs of the project to the villagers during the benchmark survey

Bench Mark Survey, Yavatmal

Kollam Cultural Festival 2022, Pandharakwada Distt. Participation in the exhibition at Yavatmal

Kollam Cultural Festival 2022, Pandharakwada Distt. A community mobilizer giving information about the project at an exhibition in Yavatmal.
Project Director TRTI, Pune visited all the three centres
A. Shahapur Centre

B. Yavatmal Centre

C. Gadchiroli Centre

Setting up of three Micro Planning Centers in areas with a large number of tribals
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The primitive tribes of Katkari, Kolam and Madia live in the state of Maharashtra. These tribes earn their living through agriculture, forest produce and various types of labour. This society has various problems and needs. It has become necessary to speed up the development of primitive society by keeping in mind the above needs and problems and their development ideas. For this purpose, the Tribal Research and Training Institute, Pune (TRTI) i.e. Katkari, Kolam and Madia tribals of the state, for the collection and preparation of reports on the current status of various development factors, cultural, educational, social, economic etc. Construction of three micro-planning centers in Bhul area by Unisec Management Services Pvt. Ltd. given to this company.
Under each of these centres, separate component programs will be implemented for each primitive tribe as follows.
- After surveying the employment, self-employment and preparing the ward-wise employment, self-employment plan.
- After surveying the employment, self-employment and preparing the ward-wise employment, self-employment plan.
- Livelihood study and presentation of reports accordingly.
- Organization of public awareness meeting under Forest Rights Act, training of staff working under Forest Rights, training of village level Forest Rights Committee members.
- Pesa Act Ammalbajavani Janajagran Mela organized, training of Panchayat Raj People's Representatives in Pesa sector.
- Field Coordinator, Gram Sathi Training
- Area Coordinator, Village Peer Performance Evaluation
- Undertaking various research projects related to primitive tribes.
- Drafting and presentation of tribal development strategy based on thorough research.
- Preparation of brochures on culture and conservation.
- To prepare a report on the current educational situation and expected improvements in it.
- To study the traditional knowledge of the primitive tribe and prepare a booklet on it.
- Preparation of proposals for receipt of certificates of primitive tribe students from Government Ashram Schools / Aided Ashram Schools / Eklavya Residential Schools (EMRS), submission to the competent authority Similarly, submission of proposals to the concerned committee for verification of received tribe certificates etc. to do
- To work on determination of preventive and remedial activities in relation to tribal problems.
- Preparation of report on the benefit received till date by tribal individuals and families and its results
Snapshots of the inauguration ceremony of the construction of three micro-planning centers in a tribal-dominated area...
A. Shahapur Centre

Inauguration Date 24/05/2022
Inaugural - Hon. Tejaswini Galande, Assistant Project Officer Unitary Tribal Development Project Shahapur.
B. Yavatmal Centre

Inauguration Date 25/05/2022
Inaugural - Hon. Mr. Go.Bha.Sonar, Assistant Project Officer (Administration), Unitary Tribal Development Project, Pandharakawda Distt. Yavatmal
C. Yavatmal Centre

Inauguration Date 27/05/2022
Inaugural - Hon. Shri Prabhu Sadamwar, Assistant Project Officer (Education), Tribal Division, Gadchiroli